Month: <span>February 2016</span>

Image courtesy of Pixabay/Alexander Stein

5 major reasons to eat dark chocolate

Image courtesy of Pixabay/Alexander Stein I proudly admit, I am a chocoholic! A friend of mine said, if wine, garlic and chocolate are healthy and good for you, we live in a pretty awesome world!  Makes sense, right? Every week I visit my 95-year old grandmother, who frequently sends me home with a chocolate bar.  Most […]
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Image courtesy of Pixabay/Hans

Medicinal value of Roses

Image courtesy of Pixabay/Hans As a teenager, I spent one summer living with my aunt and her family. My aunt is an amazing cook, and I got to watch her make  jams and syrups. To this day, I remember a hot summer afternoon when she was sitting in the kitchen completely surrounded by the pinkish […]
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