Image courtesy of Sandeep Agarwal
I met Sandeep Agarwal in 2010 when both of us enrolled into David Winston’s Herbal Certificate program.
A computer programmer and finance professional by training, Sandeep became curious about his roots. His family opened a ghee (clarified butter) shop in India close to 130 years ago. After a long journey, Sandeep knew he had to share this gift with the American audience.
A little while ago, I sat down with him during a conference to talk about ghees, oils, and other fats.
What was Sandeep’s journey like; how his son’s illness inspired the entire family to change how they cook and eat
Why Sandeep explored the benefits of dairy fat and grass-fed cows, how to understand solid versus liquid fats/oils
What are some interesting history related to fats in our culture
What exactly ghee is, how it is made, what it supposed to look and smell like, the composition of vitamins in ghee, cooking and storage recommendations, why frying and baking with ghee is a great idea
How to understand three constitutions of Ayurveda (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) – please feel free to explore WIN 004 Successes of Natural Healing with KP Khalsa for additional information about Ayurveda
How herbal training helped Sandeep to create a new line of medicinal herb-infused ghees; what are some of ghee’s properties and how it works as a perfect fat-soluble medium/carrier for herbs used in brain related disorders
How to incorporate other healthy oils and fats into your life
- PureIndianFoods.com – 12 different ghees and 25 organic spices, grains and oils
”Ghee is the fat product derived from milk and it’s fabulous. It’s a source of many vitamins.”
Sandeep Agarwal
Right before – Edison – inventing light bulb; and Proctor and Gamble – candles; cotton seed oil17:32 – Napoleon, shortage of butter; not sure if this is trueAround 18 – there is description of saturated vs unsaturated bonds – can keep this1911 – Crisco – cristalized cotton seed oilSmoke point – 24 min26 min – David WinstonAyurveda – 27 minsHerb-infused ghee31 min – Vata, Pitta, Kapha33:43 – consider cutting out or even do the same with a segment before – on administering through nose, and other orificies34 – Ayurveda — resources – Vassant Lad – ayurveda.comwhere to find Ayurvedic practitioners – 35 – Bullet proof ilovebutterDave Aspreyyak butter teamedium chain triglycerides – coffee plus pluspureindianfoods.com12 different ghee products25 organic spicesgrainsoilshistorical artifacts400 historical objects – some are as old as 400 years oldvirtual museumbutterworld.org
- PureIndianFoods.com – 12 different ghees and 25 organic spices, grains and oils
- Vasant Lad, the creator of The Ayurvedic Institute
- Dave Ausprey’s Bulletproof Coffee
- Butter World – Sandeep’s collection of 400 historical artifacts
This episode is brought to you by Pure Indian Foods.
Pure Indian Foods is a company created by the 5th generation ghee makers. To learn more about the products and the company’s philosophy, please listen to my interview with Sandeep Agarwal.
Ghee is a healthy, shelf-stable alternative to butter or other cooking oils. Since it has a high smoke point, ghee is one of the best fats you can try for baking and high heat cooking.
The product I usually have on hand in my kitchen is this 100% organic grass-fed ghee.
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