Herbal advocacy with Mark Blumenthal

​Image courtesy of ​Mark Blumenthal

​About 20 years ago I met my today’s guest as a newly graduated pharmacist. His knowledge and expertise in the field of herbal industry and ​advocacy  have impressed me a great deal. Today, ​you’re meeting ​someone who has been serving   as an incredible force in this industry helping to shape its many facets. This introduction is only highlights of his work.

​My guest is ​Mark Blumenthal. ​Mark ​is the Founder and Executive Director of the American Botanical Council (ABC). An independent, nonprofit organization, ABC is dedicated to disseminating accurate, reliable, and responsible information on herbs and medicinal plants.

Mark has been serving as the Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of HerbalGram, an international peer-reviewed quarterly journal, the contents of which reflect the educational goals of organization.

He is also Founder and Director of the ABC-AHP-NCNPR Botanical Adulterants Program, created by the ABC, American Herbal Pharmacopeia and the University of Mississippi’s National Center for Natural Product Research, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center of Excellence in botanical laboratory analysis. 

​Since 1998, Mark served as the senior editor of the English translation of several important German herbal medicine textbook translations, and in his role as an educator and a researcher he has written hundreds of articles, reviews, book chapters, and forewords on herbal subjects.

Earlier in his life Mark was a founding board member of the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) and he helped co-found the Herb Research Foundation (HRF).

​Mark currently serves, or has previously served, on the editorial boards of many prestigious publications​.

In recognition for his research, educational, and advocacy work, Mr. Blumenthal has received two honorary degrees​ and is also the recipient of numerous awards in the fields of medicinal plants, natural foods, and natural health. ​

A popular speaker on herbal issues, ​Mark has made hundreds of presentations to universities, professional and trade associations, and numerous consumer, ​and industry groups. He has been a sought-after guest on radio and television talk shows. He and ABC are also major sources of information for journalists, editors, and freelance writers. He is quoted extensively in articles for the trade and popular press.

​By the end of this episode, you’ll ​​get ​an appreciation for the current state of herbal education, research and advocacy​.


  1. How Mark’s ​career in herbal medicine began, how the herbal advocacy became so important for him
  2. How did American Botanical Council start, where ​Herbalgram fits in
  3. What are some of the current projects for ABC like Botanical Adulterants Prevention Program, Sustainability efforts
  4. ​How ABC’s work was inspired by work ​of European scientists, and some of the ABC’s databases and their unique features

​Web resources:


The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal MedicinesHerbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs

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This episode is proudly brought to you by the American Herbalist Guild.

I’ve been a ​member of this organization for many years. Every Fall I attend AHG symposium, a great gathering of like-minded herbalists where I always learn something new and exciting and network with others. Through this podcast, you’ve met ​many ​practicing members of the American Herbalists Guild.

Professional members of the organization are recognized practitioners who have demonstrated to their peers their knowledge and expertise in the field of herbal medicine.

General members continue to enhance their education​ by reading the Journal of the American Herbalists Guild and the monthly member newsletter, and having free access to ​Webinar Archives, ​lecture recordings ​​and much more. 

Additionally, each member gets discounts and offers on ​products, services and tickets from some of the best herb suppliers, schools and companies​, and so much more.

Check out https://wellnessinsidernetwork.com/agh and learn more about this great organization!

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