Marie Dacey is a Professor of Psychology and director of the Nutrition Minor at MCPHS University (formerly Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences) in Boston, MA. As a member of the health psychology faculty, Marie teaches courses in complementary approaches to healthcare, such as Mind-Body Medicine, Lifestyle Medicine, and Integrative Therapies for Older Adults. […]
Jenna Hollenstein, MS, RDN, CDN, is a non-diet dietitian who helps people struggling with chronic dieting, disordered eating, and eating disorders. Jenna uses a combination of Intuitive Eating, mindfulness techniques, and meditation to help her clients move toward greater peace, health, and wellness. Jenna is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and a Certified Dietitian Nutritionist […]
Image courtesy of Pixabay/sciencefreak Have you ever been told there is ONE thing you should try to do daily? That it would change things. Somehow make everything better. So you try. But it’s harder than you thought. Especially sticking to it.